Members take part in monthly strategic programs.

The Center provides monthly workshops, panels, and speakers and members can join-in on any or all programs at no added cost.

All programming revolves around the Center’s 6 Core Focus areas: Strategic Planning, Governance, Family Harmony, Leadership Development, Succession Planning, and Company Culture.

Members can utilize company-wide perks.

Perks include free access to corporate office space for meetings and events, the invitation to join a Forum group, and an online library of business development programming.

Another perk? All of our events are open to any employee of an active Member company. That means all Member events can be attended your leadership team, sales team, marketing team or HR.

Members gain a state-wide network.

Finding connections with like-minded companies is invaluable. Our members regularly turn to other Center businesses to ask questions, find guidance or share resources. By joining the Center for Private Business, you become one of 220+ companies committed to best-practices and strategic growth within North Carolina.